July 16, 2017

Fast-Forward 4 Months: From Snows to Spring to Bunnies to Blooms to Summer to July 4th and a Patiotic Parade

Here I am again, very slow to update the blog (for a writer, I'm a very delinquent blogger)...but from the last post on late season big snows in mid-March, I managed to completely miss any blog posts on St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, and Father's Day. That brings us up to July 4th (nearly 2 weeks ago) and practically the first of August! I have NO idea where the time goes, but it seems to fly at warp speed lately. Maybe I should just plan to update the blog quarterly rather than monthly, so I'll have more to say, if a little less often. Anything has to be better than every 4-5 months!

After the annoying snows of March, I did manage to take a few shots of the flowering shrubs planted in front of my home that provided a nice burst of color in May, along with a large and fragrant lilac bush. I've forgotten what these two shrubs are called - each about 4 feet tall and nearly as wide - but I did look them both up and made a note (just can't find it at the moment)...

Thought I'd also share a few photos of a couple of bunnies that seemed to think my yard has the most tasty grasses of the spring in June. There was a large bunny (the mother, I suspect) and at least two younger ones. Usually, I would see just one munching, then skipping through to the next patch. Here's a view of one of the little ones through the branches of my potted rosemary and sage... 

I love bunnies, but I'm not inclined to have any as I am a cat person and have one of those, so I just don't want to go there, where bunnies are concerned. They're fun to watch, though, now that I've moved any potted plants that were particularly tempting. Here's another view of the same one through my somewhat foggy patio door - I didn't want to scare him (her?) away, so I shot the photos through the glass...

I have a window box planter (not attached to a wall, so just freestanding on a patio table) in which I like to grow leaf lettuce. My ruby lettuce has been growing nicely since late spring and is just too tempting for bunnies to leave the planter accessible to them sitting on the patio, so it's up out of their reach on the table nearby. It's an heirloom variety of lettuce called Salad Bowl Red and it's very tasty, so I do understand why the bunnies find it so appealing...

And, finally, I did make a short trek to my favorite annual July 4th parade at a small, upstate New York hamlet in the Hudson Valley. In the 35 years I've been attending this parade, it never fails to amuse - it is blissfully short, which is the nice part, but it's always a little bit loose and funky, so a hoot! Gotta love a patriotic parade with a vintage Ford pick-up truck, a pretty older mare (a Morgan for those wondering) nicely adorned for the occasion - the only horse in the parade this year (it's horse country, so prior years have seen quite a few from tiny ponies to full-size horses) - a wooden wagon with one small, bewildered child, and two little cuties with flags who were just too adorable not to include:



 And, now, on to the rest of the summer!


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